Marbling with Black Dye
Marbling with Black
Marbling with Maroon
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One of my favorite things to do is to create...and what better way to create than to get your hands a little messy. We use a technique to dye vegetable tanned leather with water and leather dye to achieve a marbling effect. Vegetable tanned leather is a type of leather that is unfinished and needs to be finished so that your natural oils from your hands won't mark the leather. Vegetable tanned leather takes up to six months to tan and is usually a much stiffer leather.
Each and every product is going to be completely different as they are each hand dyed one at a time. Over the years, when I marble leather I have noticed that whenever I wear gloves, the water always disperses prematurely and the design is altered. So I always marble dye without will always be able to tell when I have dyed! If you have any questions about any of the products please do not hesitate to reach out to us!